M2C Leadership
Ann M. Dancik, President — Over twenty years experience as president and CEO. Formerly led successful financial systems development, integration and training company, EDIT, Inc. Company named Small Business of the Year for its support to the Navy and Marine Corp Intranet Program. Also was Traffic Manager for one of the largest exporters of foodstuff to the Eastern and Southern Caribbean, where she dealt with US Government regulations controlling food exports. Performed feasibility studies with an air cargo airline to move ocean cargo to air. Received B.A. Smith College, M.B.A. in Finance from Boston University.
Captain Elpert T. Hodge, Executive VP — M2C Aerospace’s Principal Investigator for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Efficient Reconfigurable Cockpit Design and Fleet Operations using software intensive networked and wireless enabled architecture. Founder of Massachusetts’ first International Passenger and Cargo Airline, Elan Air [Read More]. Elan Air began as Manchester International Airport’s first and largest commercial airline operator (DC8-55). It was later acquired by DHL to launch their worldwide cargo operations. It operated as Elan Air until 1988, when they changed the name to DHL. Provided expert testimony to the Civil Aeronautics Board (function transferred to Flight Standards District Office) to obtain Part 121 Certificate of Convenience and Necessity. Recognized National Expert in commercial airline development providing specialized consulting in the areas of flight operations, economic analysis, and regulatory affairs.
Richard S. Brody, Executive VP — Provided Technical Oversight for USAF contracts with MITRE Corporation and MIT Lincoln Laboratories. Supported the President’s Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection in the areas of aviation and intermodal cargo.
Richard D. Wright, Chief Technical Officer — Created and operated the FAA’s first modern Air Traffic Management Systems. Developed Collaborative Decision Making between the FAA and airlines to reduce flight delays.
Robert J. Myers, Senior VP Product Development — Formerly Boeing Technical Fellow and Flight Deck Chief Engineer. Supported the development of several flight decks and flight deck enhancements, including the 747-400, 777-200, and 787. Holder of seven patents related to Flight Deck technologies. Provided support to the Commercial Aviation Safety Team and multiple industry committees. Former US Air Force pilot. B.S. Aeronautics/Astronautics MIT, M.Ed. Western Washington University.